JetPub Scientific Sponsors the 2018 Boston Angiogenesis Meeting

JetPub Scientific Communications is a proud sponsor of the 20th Annual Boston Angiogenesis meeting to be held on November 2, 2018. 

This meeting was started 20 yers ago by Dr. Patricia D'Amore. Each year, this well-established annual one-day meeting has brought together physician scientists, leaders, young faculty, postdocs, graduate students, medical students as well as representatives from industry to present, discuss, and network around their common interest in angiogenesis.

There will be captivating talks, and time to network over breakfast, coffee breaks, and the end of the day reception. Please consider attending this milestone event!

Friday, November 2, 2018
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Registration is just $75 for faculty, and $25 for trainees!

To register or learn more, please visit:

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Brett Clair

Brett is a medical illustrator and animator, and founder of Living Thing. He’s worked for over a decade across many industries, including medical device, biotech, defense and academia.

Partnering with Cell Signaling Technology - Career Profile Series


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